Settings > Hosts > Extras > Mediawiki
MediaWiki is a free software open source wiki package written in PHP, originally for use on Wikipedia. It is now also used by several other projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation and by many other wikis. You can find more information about MediaWiki here.
Name of Wiki:
Give your Wiki a descriptive name. -
Email address:
Your email address.Note: You must enter a valid email address to setup a Mediawiki installation.
The installation directory. If it is left blank the Mediawiki files will be copied directly to the document root folder. If you provide a name, a subdirectoy will be created and your Mediawiki files will be placed in this directory.Note: Do not install over a previous installation of Mediawiki! Files will be overwritten without warning.
Table prefix:
Mediawiki can use a table prefix to manage multiple forums in a single database. -
Database name:
Set the name of your database schema which will be added to your local database.
After installation you can view this database using phpMyAdmin, Sequel Pro, or MySQLWorkbench. -
User name:
Use this user name to log into the admin area of your Mediawiki installation.Note: You will need this user name to login into your new of Mediawiki blog, please write this down.
Use this password to log into the admin area of your MediaWiki installation.Note: You will need this password to login into your new Mediawiki blog, please write this down.