
Sites > Site > Databases

MAMP PRO - Sites - Site - Databases

The Database tab shows which databases are associated with each site. You can assign individual databases or tables to a site. Disabled checkboxes indicate databases and tables that are associated with a site via an extra or automatic WordPress installation. This association cannot be broken.

The mapping of a database to a site is used by the Remote and Cloud features. This mapping tells MAMP PRO which site is associated with which database(s).

Create Database

To create a new database, click the “+” button at the bottom of the databases table. You can only create databases, not individual tables. Please use a database administration tool such as phpMyAdmin. You can access phpMyAdmin via the “Open in” button in the header of the database table.

MAMP PRO - Databases - Create database

  • Name
    Enter the name of the new database.

  • After creating the new database…

    • grant access to User
      If this box is unchecked (default), the new database will be created by and granted privileges to the MySQL “root” user. When you grant access, you have the choice of using an existing user or creating a new user.

      The newly created MySQL user has all privileges only for the newly created database. It has no privileges for any other database.

    • with Password
      If you choose to create a new MySQL user, you will need a password for this new MySQL user. If an existing MySQL user is selected, the “with Password” field is disabled and the existing password of this MySQL user is automatically used.