

How do I install WordPress?

Note: Please be aware that the installation might fail if you are using the MAMP ports (8888, 8889) and Safari with the AdBlock extension enabled. In this case, pause the AdBlock extension in Safari for the duration of the WordPress installation.

  1. Download WordPress here. After downloading, the resulting zip file should be in your “~/Downloads” folder.

  2. Unzip this “” file. You should now see a “~/Downloads/wordpress” folder.

  3. Move the contents of this folder to “/Applications/MAMP/htdocs”. If you are asked whether the existing file “index.php” should be overwritten, then click on the “Replace” button.
    MAMP - Move files and replace index.php

  4. In MAMP, click the “WebStart” entry in the toolbar. The WebStart page opens in your browser. Here select the entry “phpMyAdmin” from the Tools menu.

  5. Create a database in phpMyAdmin and call it wordpress.

    MAMP - phpMyAdmin - New WordPress database

    After creating the database, the message “No tables found in database.” is displayed.

    MAMP - phpMyAdmin - No tables found in database

    You can ignore this message. The database tables for WordPress are created automatically by the WordPress installation routine in the following steps.

  6. Run WordPress installation

    1. In MAMP, click the “WebStart” entry in the toolbar. The WebStart page opens in your browser. Click on the “My Website” menu item here. The WordPress installation process will now start automatically.

    2. Select the required language.

      MAMP - WordPress installation

    3. Fill in the fields as follows:

      • Database Name: wordpress
      • Username: root
      • Password: root
      • Database Host: localhost
      • Table Prefix: wp_

      MAMP - WordPress installation

    4. Finish the WordPress installation process.

      MAMP - WordPress installation

      MAMP - WordPress installation